Tuesday, December 30, 2014

ebola patient transfer to london

A health care worker diagnosed with the Ebola virus has been transferred to a London hospital. Nic Robertson reports
A health care worker diagnosed with the Ebola virus has been transferred to a London hospital. Nic Robertson reports

four people found dead today after ferry cought fire yesterday

Four more people have died after fire broke out on a ferry en route from Greece to Italy in the Adriatic Sea on Sunday, Greek Merchant Marine Minister Miltiades Varvitsiotis said Monday. This brings the overall death toll to five, more than 24 hours after the fire broke out on the Norman Atlantic on Sunday. The ferry had been traveling between the Greek port of Igoumenitsa and the Italian port of Ancona when the blaze began in its parking bay. One man died after he jumped or fell into the cold water, authorities said. It is unclear how the other four victims died. The Italian navy said 419 people had been rescued from the ferry, with work continuing to rescue the remaining passengers and crew. An Italian navy medical team boarded the ship Monday to aid passengers, some of whom were suffering hypothermia and smoke inhalation, the navy said. The already cold conditions were worsened by the spray from tugboat hoses as authorities attempted to douse the flames. Helicopters with night vision equipment had worked through the night to pull passengers off the ferry, one by one. After waiting for hours in rough conditions, one Greek man told Italian state broadcaster RAI TV that passengers were "dying of cold and suffocating from the smoke," and that their feet were "burning" from the heat of the flames. Dramatic cell phone images filmed by a passenger showed flames through shattered portholes, while a wider view released by rescuers showed a huge plume of thick, black smoke streaming from the stricken vessel. Lifeboats couldn't be deployed In the first three hours of the blaze, around 150 people were able to escape via the vessel's lifeboats. But when the ferry lost power, the electronic arms were unable to function, leaving the boats dangling uselessly by its side

Monday, December 29, 2014

somalia alshabab boss captured

Somali government forces on Saturday captured a top commander of the Islamist militant group Al-Shabaab, two of the country's military officials said. Zakariya Ismail Ahmed Hersi, Al-Shabaab's intelligence chief, was captured in a house near the town of El Wak, Somali military commander Isack Hussein Mursal told state-run radio. He was a close associate of former Al-Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane, who was killed in a U.S. airstrike near Barawe city in September. Somali forces captured Hersi and his driver without confrontation, officials said. The U.S. State Department had issued a $3 million reward for information leading to his capture. "Zakariya has told us following his capture that he left Al-Shabaab a year and half ago and since then was looking for to surrender to the Somali government," Col. Abas Ibrahim Gurey, a senior military official, told CNN. The capture comes after militants with the group, which is linked to al Qaeda, attacked a large African Union base in Mogadishu on Thursday, killing three Ugandan soldiers and a civilian. Al-Shabaab has said that attack was revenge for the U.S. airstrike that killed Godane. The State Department had offered a $7 million reward for information on Godane's location

Sunday, December 28, 2014

AirAsia Missing

An AirAsia passenger jet carrying 162 people lost contact with Indonesian air traffic control early Sunday, gripping Southeast Asia with a second missing plane crisis in less than a year. The search operation for the missing AirAsia Flight QZ8501 has been halted for the night, but big ships won't return to shore and will leave their searchlights on, according to the Indonesian Transportation Ministry. Before communication was lost, one of the pilots asked to fly at a higher altitude because of bad weather, officials said. The aircraft, flying from the Indonesian city of Surabaya to Singapore, went missing as it flew at 38,000 feet over the Java Sea between the islands of Belitung and Borneo -- a heavily traveled shipping channel with shallow waters, according to Indonesian authorities, who are leading the search and rescue operations. AirAsia says it lost contact with the aircraft at 7:24 local time. Of the people on board the Airbus A320-200, 155 are Indonesian, three are South Korean, one is British, one is French, one is Malaysian and one is Singaporean, the airline said. Eighteen children, including one infant, are among the passengers, the carrier said. Seven of the people on board are crew members. At the airport in Surabaya, loved ones gathered and wept as they waited for any word on the passengers. Some took cell phone pictures of a flight manifest posted on a wall. The black-and-white papers showed every passenger's name and seat number, but not their fate. Others simply sat and dabbed tears from their eyes

Saturday, March 29, 2014

MY GLOBE OF NEWS: Same-sex marriage now legal as first couples wed

MY GLOBE OF NEWS: Same-sex marriage now legal as first couples wed: COMMENTS  (1718) Peter McGraith and David Cabreza, John Coffey and Bernardo Marti, and Andrew Wale and Neil Allard were among the f...

MY GLOBE OF NEWS: Ukraine crisis: Kerry and Lavrov in new push for s...

MY GLOBE OF NEWS: Ukraine crisis: Kerry and Lavrov in new push for s...: Under the US proposal, Russian forces in Crimea would return to their bases Continue reading the main story Ukraine crisis Which R...

Same-sex marriage now legal as first couples wed

Peter McGraith and David Cabreza, John Coffey and Bernardo Marti, and Andrew Wale and Neil Allard were among the first gay couples to marry

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The first same-sex weddings have taken place after gay marriage became legal in England and Wales at midnight.
Politicians from the main parties have hailed the change in the law.
David Cameron said the move sent a message that people were now equal "whether gay or straight", but some religious groups remain opposed.
Scotland passed a similar law in February; the first same-sex marriages are expected there in October. Northern Ireland has no plans to follow suit.
In an article for the Pink News website, the prime minister wrote: "This weekend is an important moment for our country.
"It says we are a country that will continue to honour its proud traditions of respect, tolerance and equal worth."
The law change would encourage young people unsure of their sexuality, he added.
Teresa Millward and Helen BrearleyTeresa Millward and Helen Brearley married in Halifax
Sean Adl-Tabatabai, left, and Sinclair TreadwaySean Adl-Tabatabai and Sinclair Treadway married in the council chamber at Camden Town Hall in London
Sandi Toksvig and partner DebbieSandi Toksvig and her partner Debbie renewed their civil partnership vows at an event in London celebrating the law change
Later on Saturday morning, Mr Cameron tweeted: "Congratulations to the gay couples who have already been married - and my best wishes to those about to be on this historic day."
Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg said "Britain will be a different place" as a result.
Peter McGraith (left) and David Cabreza
Every wedding has a photographer but this one had hundreds.
Outside Islington Town Hall, well-wishers stopped in the street to point their smartphones while TV crews fought for the best views.
As the loving couple appeared on the steps, crowds cheered and even sang the tune to Here Comes The Bride - ironic perhaps, since this was a gay wedding with two grooms. Peter McGraith and David Cabreza are one of the first same-sex couples to marry in England and Wales.
The law, passed in Parliament last year, came into effect today. And for some who have campaigned for years, the waiting was over. As the clock ticked past midnight, registrars started speaking, rings were exchanged and the confetti flew.
Not everyone is taken by the idea though. Some politicians and religious leaders still oppose the change. And in Islington, as the two grooms beamed giant smiles, they reminded their guests that the battle for equality is still ongoing.
He congratulated his party for being part of the reform, saying: "If our change to the law means a single young man or young woman who wants to come out, but who is scared of what the world will say, now feels safer, stronger, taller - well, for me, getting into coalition government will have been worth it just for that."
Labour leader Ed Miliband congratulated those planning to tie the knot.
"This is an incredibly happy time for so many gay couples and lesbian couples who will be getting married, but it's an incredibly proud time for our country as well, recognising equal marriage in law," he said.
However, he warned that the "battle for true equality" was not yet won.
'Making history'
Several couples were ready to tie the knot the moment the law changed.
Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell acted as chief witness at a packed ceremony at Islington Town Hall in London just after midnight as Peter McGraith and David Cabreza were wed after 17 years together.
Mr Tatchell said the couple and all the others getting married had "made history" and "made Britain a more tolerant, equal place".
With a crowd of photographers, journalists and well-wishers waiting, the couple took the opportunity to highlight the international struggle for gay rights.
Mr McGraith said: "Very few countries afford their gay and lesbian citizens equal marriage rights and we believe that this change in law will bring hope and strength to gay men and lesbians in Nigeria, Uganda, Russia, India and elsewhere, who lack basic equality and are being criminalised for their sexual orientation."
Mr Cabreza added: "From a global and political perspective it's great too, but for us it's also about us and our marriage."
After marrying his partner Neil Allard at Brighton's Royal Pavilion, Andrew Wale said he found the ceremony "much more moving" than he expected.
"We were considering a civil partnership, even though we didn't think it was true equality, so we're very, very happy that this day has come, finally," he added.
Aarron Adem Erbas, who married Louis Monaco, also at Islington Town Hall, said: "We're going to celebrate the rest of the day and it means so much to us that we can have our friends and loved ones here. It's absolutely brilliant."
Andrew Wale and Neil AllardAndrew Wale and Neil Allard were the first same-sex couple to marry in Brighton
Phil Robathan and James Preston at their weddingPhil Robathan and James Preston later married at Brighton Town Hall
Later on Saturday, a crowd of about 2,000 people - which included a number of celebrities - gathered to watch comedian Sandi Toksvig and her partner Debbie renew their civil partnership vows.
The couple, who entered into a civil partnership seven years ago, exchanged vows on stage at the Royal Festival Hall in London at a special event to celebrate the introduction of gay marriage in the UK.
Toksvig, who presents the BBC Radio 4 News Quiz, said it was "an astonishing moment in history", adding: "There was many a time I thought this day would never come."
Those in civil partnerships can choose to convert their relationships to marriage, via a procedure expected to be in place by the end of the year, but are under no obligation to do so.
Andrea Williams, Christian Concern: "This is actually very self-centred"
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said on Friday night the Church of England would now drop its opposition to same-sex marriage, as Parliament had spoken.
"The law's changed; we accept the situation," he told the BBC.
But some religious groups remain opposed to gay marriage.
Andrea Williams, chief executive of Christian Concern, said: "We can't just redefine an institution - redefine something that always has been - because we say it's something that we want.
"This is actually very self-centred. This is not about rights, it's about seeking cultural dominance and seeking to redefine marriage for all of us."
Peter Tatchell at the wedding of Peter McGraith and David CabrezaPeter Tatchell (left) was chief witness at Peter McGraith and David Cabreza's wedding in Islington
Aarron Adem Erbas and Louis MonacoAarron Adem Erbas married Louis Monaco and said the day was "absolutely brilliant"
There will now be two legal definitions of marriage, says the BBC's social affairs correspondent Reeta Chakrabarti - that recognised by the CofE and many other religious groups, and that recognised by the state.
"The Church of England believes marriage is between one man and one woman for life," the Bishop of Norwich, the Right Reverend Graham James confirmed.
"It's untidy for the law to have two definitions... but I think we can live with untidiness."
The law prohibits the Church of England from performing same-sex weddings, and allows other religious organisations to refuse to perform them.
The CofE has urged clergy to support members of the congregation who are in same-sex marriages, but has ruled that priests themselves must not enter into one. The Roman Catholic Church opposes the change in the law.
Some gay vicars, though, have said they are prepared to defy their bishops by insisting they have a right to marry.
Reverend Andrew CainThe Rev Andrew Cain says he does not want confrontation with the Church, but "must do what is right"
Among them is the Reverend Andrew Cain, who said the Church was entering uncharted territory, but he would not be "frightened" out of doing what he believed was right.
Mr Cain, who plans to marry his partner in the summer, said he would do so whether the Church approved or not.
"It is more important to do what is right than to be frightened into not doing what I believe to be true.
"And I won't be frightened by what the possible consequences are for me. I could lose my job, absolutely. Lose my job, my home and my place."
According to a BBC survey, a fifth of British people would turn down an invitation to a same-sex wedding - a finding the Roman Catholic group Catholic Voices suggested meant people remained "deeply uncomfortable" with the move.

Ukraine crisis: Kerry and Lavrov in new push for solution

Russian marines marching at their base in Sevastopol in Crimea (24 March)Under the US proposal, Russian forces in Crimea would return to their bases
US Secretary of State John Kerry has diverted his homebound flight at the last minute, for hastily arranged talks on the Ukraine crisis with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
The decision came after President Vladimir Putin spoke to President Barack Obama by phone late on Friday.
Mr Obama has called on Russia to pull its troops back from Ukraine's border.
Mr Lavrov told Russian TV on Saturday that Moscow had no intention of sending troops into Ukraine.
Several thousand Russian soldiers are reported to have been stationed near Ukraine's eastern borders.
The two foreign ministers are due to meet in Paris on Sunday evening.
Sergei Lavrov: "We have no intention of crossing Ukraine's borders"
Reports say Mr Kerry was flying home from the Middle East on Saturday when he abruptly changed travel plans and instructed his plane to fly to France.
Meanwhile, Ukraine's interim authorities have been pressing ahead with plans for elections due on 25 May.
Boxer and leading political figure Vitaly Klitschko pulled out of the race for president on Saturday, declaring his support for billionaire chocolate tycoon Petro Poroshenko.
"The only chance of winning is to nominate one candidate from the democratic forces," he told supporters of his Udar (Punch) party.
Former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who was freed from jail when Viktor Yanukovych was ousted as president last month, has also said she will stand.
After Mr Yanukovych fled Ukraine, pro-Russian forces moved in to take control of the Crimean peninsula. Moscow then annexed the Ukrainian region after a referendum condemned as illegal by Kiev and the UN General Assembly.
A Pro-Russian activists holds a Russian flag during a rally in Donetsk Pro-Russian activists held a rally in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk on Saturday
In an interview with state TV channel Rossiya 1 on Saturday, Mr Lavrov said: "We have absolutely no intention of - or interest in - crossing Ukraine's borders."
He added that Russia was ready to protect "the rights of Russians and Russian-speaking people in Ukraine, using all available political, diplomatic and legal means".
After the interview was broadcast, it emerged Mr Lavrov had spoken by phone to Mr Kerry, in a conversation that Russian officials said was initiated by the US.
That call followed an hour-long phone discussion late on Friday between the US and Russian presidents. Mr Putin had contacted President Obama, according to US officials.
The White House said in a statement. that the US was keen to de-escalate the crisis.
"President Obama made clear that this remains possible only if Russia pulls back its troops and does not take any steps to further violate Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty," it added.
Ukrainian servicemen carry their belongings as they leave the Belbek airbase near SevastopolUkrainian servicemen abandoned their bases in Crimea after they were seized by Russian forces
Sailors stand next to a weapons system onboard a Russian Navy vessel anchored at a navy base in the Ukrainian Black Sea port of Sevastopol Russian sailors have also seized Ukrainian ships and naval bases in the peninsula
The US proposal, described as a "diplomatic off-ramp", has been developed in consultation with Ukraine and several EU countries,
It is thought to involve halting the military build-up near Ukraine's border, the deployment of international monitors in eastern Ukraine to protect the rights of Russian speakers, and the return of Russian troops in Crimea to their bases there.
The Kremlin said that the Russian president had drawn Mr Obama's attention to "the continued rampage of extremists" in Kiev and various regions of Ukraine.
Russia's reported troop movements near Ukraine's eastern border - described by Nato as a "huge military build-up" - have triggered fears that Mr Putin's interest in Ukraine is not limited to Crimea.
The BBC's North America Editor, Mark Mardell, said Friday night's phone call could indicate tentative progress towards a diplomatic solution - just when fears were growing in the West that Russia could be about to stage an invasion of eastern Ukraine.
Map of Crimea

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