Friday, November 23, 2012

Minister for Fisheries and Development Amason Kingi have told residents of Nyanza region to shun leaders forming coalitions based on ethnicity saying the alliances should be formed to unite all Kenyans

Kingi said that the ongoing coalition in the country were done on vested interest by some leaders who are only out to block Prime Minister Raila Odinga in ascending to power come March 4, 2013.

“These leaders are auctioning their communities to gain political mileage in forming ethnic alliances. We want peoples’ president that can unite all Kenyans but not individuals whose agenda is to block Raila to win the presidency,” he said.

While drumming up support to PM in Nyandiwa Beach, Gwasi Constituency of Homabay County yesterday, the minister revealed that Raila was the right person to unite all tribes in the country and addressed their plights amicably. He was speaking when handing over Nyandiwa Fish Landing site.

“We follow Raila because of his development performance, reforms and also non-tribal presidential candidate in the country. He is the only candidate who will implement the constitution to the letter,” Kingi said.

He further recalled how PM and other reformist fought for the re-appealing of the section 2(A) in 1992 under President Daniel Moi’s regime that brought democratic space that Kenyans are now enjoying.

The minister also wondered where most of the presidential candidates were when Raila was fighting President Moi to ensure multiparty that are now in the country.

“You cannot be Otieno today and tomorrow you are Kamau. Mission of some presidential candidates is to maintain the status quo that has seen most of the regions marginalized,” Kingi stated.

He said Raila will win the forthcoming election saying the difference of the PM and other candidates were light and darkness, meaning reformer and non-reformers.

“Why don’t you be peoples’ president like the Premier instead of being your own, which majority of the presidential candidates is banking to,” he said.

The minister further moved to assure Kenyans that ODM party is not threatened by the ongoing coalition talks with majority auctioning their community to achieve to their vested interest instead of considering problems affecting Kenyans.

“ODM will form government next year, saying that people need a government that will speak in one voice but not a torn government like the coalition government that have not addressed the expectations of the citizens.

He further pondered for how long ODM will be hold hostage by some leaders due to a coalition that people cannot differ on reforms and ideologies like was witness recently with some self-centered individuals who were unhappy with the party’s stand.

“Kenyans want a president who will be free and fair to run the government effectively so as to address the problems they are facing,” Kingi said.

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