Sunday, January 13, 2013

President koroma must be given the freedom to what he thinks that is better for the country's development

In Part 1 of the series, I used the metaphor of the goalkeeper to demonstrate my point that ”.. …the President must be given the free handto choose the people he believes will help him achieve results.” I stressed the important need for the President to work with people hetrusts and who are ready to cooperate fuly with him to helphim achieve his agenda. I posited that the goalkeeper“has to be comfortable with hisdefenders around him and the backs must be serving the best interest ofthe team’s playing style for the goalieto do a great job between the posts” and for his team to succeed .I said that there must be greater understanding between the goalkeepers and his defenders because the goalkeeper has to know what his defenders will do inany given situation for him to make informed decisions to commit himself to attempt a save or remain between theposts waiting for the opposing attackers to strike. I did not mean that the President can only be a goalkeeper. It was just one metaphor among the many one could use to dissect the roles the President has to play. Indeed, the President is all-round team player . He can be adefender , keeping his goalmouth secure from raidingopponents. He can be a midfield playermasterminding and directing attacks onthe opponents’ goal like Paul Scholes does so magnificently for Manchester United or Frank Lampard so efficiently for Chelsea. The President can also be a striker ( A centre forward in the mold of our eternally famous King Kama Dumbuya) whose role is to receive passes andscore goals or dribble himself and notch the required goals . The metaphors can go on and on and on and on. But the central message in Part 1 must not be missed —That “This issue of demanding that President Ernest Koroma appoint certain classes, categories or ages or educational levels of people willbe counter-productive if such appointments are not well tailored to cohere with what makes the President comfortable to perform well and what will serve the best interest of thenation.” I did not in any wayimply that PresidentErnest Koroma should not include youths, women and other groups in his cabinet. My friend,Mr. Sheku Sheriff of the SEGBWEMA BLOGSPOT therefore got it all wrong when he interpreted my position in these words : “In other words those calling for the president toinclude youths, women and diversity in his new government were wrong, as in Kabbs Kanu’s opinion, the President should only work with people he trusts, regardless of age, sex or background,as by doing so he will work better in the interest of “thecountry”. I think you got me all wrong, Mr. Sheriff. And you got me wrong just at a timeI was thanking God for you for being one of the many journalists who understood the dilemma that has gripped the nation after the elections — the dog-fight for government appointments among journalists , which is forcing some to adopt a dog-eat-dog philosophy to attack appointees helping to promote the government in the media , thinking that , by so doing, they will be called and givengovernment appointments. Or these appointees will be removed andtheir jobs handed to these desperate men . It took a smart man like you to notice it and bring it to the attention of your readers . Many people have forwarded your article to me, titled ,THE QUEST FOR PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS IN SIERRA LEONE HAS BECOME SUBLIME . Though I disagree with your portrayal of Sylvia Blyden, Titus Boye-Thompson and others in that article, I think you correcty mirrored the dilemma government appointees under attack from the madman are going through. However, you got me wrong on the advise that the President be allowed to appoint whom he wants to work with .

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