Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Time to take sierra leone from lying hate mongers

Time to take Sierra Leone back from Lying Hate Mongers By Dr. Sylvia Olayinka Blyden (Officer of Order of the Rokel) Jan 11, 2013, 17:20 Email this article Printer friendly page You May Click Here To Read or Discuss Views About This Article Sorie Fofana & Umaru Fofana areamongst those who thrive on Chaos in Sierra Leone because they know they cannot compete or survive in an Ordered, Civilised& Decent Society where value for the truth is supreme. Latest gimmick is to stir Tribal hate by publishing dangerous lies... Many people have been asking to read the 8th January 2013 GLOBAL TIMES article of Sorie Fofanawhich sparked the proactive stance of the Head of State in granting an exclusive interview to us this week to condemn tribal stoking in the media. We have today published the article verbatim today. Alongside it, is another terrible and similarly unfortunate article which was Umaru Fofana’s lead story on his POLITICO newspaper of 10th January 2013. It appearsthat now the plot to incite the Mendes has boomeranged, opposition media agents like Umaru Fofana wish to turn their attention to inciting the Temnes in the country. A mostunfortunate situation. Sadly, these fellows (Umaru Fofana and Sorie Fofana) are not Mendes neither Temnes but they keep on stoking these tribal sentiments to serve their hidden motives to perpetuate chaos in our country. This shameful and disgusting use of tribal tools to score political points must be condemned. We are going to henceforth name and shamethe true enemies of this country’s peace and unity. Umaru Fofana, President of SLAJ and Sorie Fofana, publisher of Global Times are amongst the enemies of this country’s tranquility and unity

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